Sunday, November 28, 2010

Communicative Language Teaching

2.1. Speaking
2.2 The Teaching of Speaking
As it is stated in the latest curriculum, Educational Unit oriented Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendididikan: KTSP), the grade eight year students’ standard competence of speaking is to be able to express meaningful ideas for both simple transactional and interpersonal communication to interact with their environment ((National Education Department /Depdiknas: 2006). At the first semester, the grade eight students’ standard competence of speaking is to be able (1) to ask, to give, and to refuse help offering, (2) to ask, to give, and to refuse thing, (3) to admit and to deny the fact, (4) to ask and to give opinion, (5) to invite, to accept, and to refuse invitation, (6) to agree or disagree. In the second semester, the standard competence is to be able to (1) to ask, to give, and to refuse help offering, (2) to ask, to give, and to refuse thing, (3) to ask, to give and deny information, (4) to ask and to give opinion, (5) to offer, to accept, and to refuse thing.
In summary, the purpose of teaching speaking for the grade eight students of Junior High School is to enable students to interact using both transactional (to get something done or get the information) and interpersonal (to get in touch with others for social purposes) dialogue with their environment. In teaching speaking, it is necessary for a teacher to understand the processes involved in speech. Through speech, one expresses emotions, communicates intentions, reacts to other person and situation, and influences other human beings. To teach speaking, the teacher is expected to provide students with sufficient practice to accustom them to use the target language in terms of expressing emotions, communicating intentions, reacting to other person and situations, and influencing other human beings (Lamasiara, 2004).

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